Pontificia Universidad Javeriana
Omar G. Sanchez R., Daniela Carrasco-Beltrán, Sofía Vidal-Méndez, Karen Castañeda
Santiago Arango, Kevin Daniel Torres
Infrastructure 4.0: Trends and developments in digitalization and sustainability in linear projects
The research project seeks to create and clarify the outlook of those specific topics that are being studied and developed related to digitalization and sustainability in linear infrastructure projects, and to analyze those specific trends that are leading research in these two major topics. The project seeks to contribute to the state of the art and knowledge of an emerging field in construction, which is leading research, training and innovation in the field of architecture, engineering and construction.
Results and contributions:
Digitalization and Sustainability in Linear Projects Trends: A Bibliometric Analysis
Digitalización en infraestructura de transporte
Exploring the influence of linear infrastructure projects 4.0 technologies to promote sustainable development in smart cities