The BIM Academic Forum Colombia renovates its image, with new content in our website!
Premios Excelencia BIM 2024
New research article.
New article published at Wiley’s Computer Applications in Engineering Education
Nueva fecha para certificarse en BIM en la Pontificia Universidad Javeriana.
Starting this semester I will begin my PhD studies in Engineering at University of the Andes under the supervision of Nelly Garcia Lopez.
I’ve just been promoted to Assistant Professor at the Department of Architecture Pontificia Universidad Javeriana.
Paper accepted!
These are my highlights from the academic perspective
I will be a panelist at BIMCO2023 to discuss Construction 4.0 and digital transformation in Colombia from the academic perspective
New LinkedIn post.
If you are an undergrad student, check out this new interesting contest from BIM Forum Chile.
Let's move forward together in the digital and sustainable transformation of the construction industry and the disruptive landscape that Industry 4.0 offers for #architecture, #engineering and #construction
This last month we welcomed 65 new students to 4 new cohorts of the BIM certification program. Welcome everyone! Este último mes dimos la bienvenida a 65 nuevos estudiantes de 4 nuevas cohortes del Diplomado BIM, ¡bienvenidos a todos!
We are looking for a student or professional interested in supporting logistics and administrative tasks for the next version of the BIM certification. The assistant will attend all classes and receive the certification without any payment. If you are interested please write to: and
We won financing for our research project!
Watch the full video of the Webinar!
I will be speaking at the next BIM Forum Colombia Webinar about BIM in the education sector in Colombia. We will be presenting the latest results on the University BIM survey made by BIM Academic Forum Colombia. Join us!
Today, we welcomed 22 new students to the fourth edition of 2023 of the BIM certification program. Ayer iniciamos una nueva cohorte del Diplomado BIM. Bienvenidos a todos los 22 participantes a la PUJ.
Yesterday, it was a pleasure to welcomed 15 new students to the third edition of 2023 of the BIM certification program. Ayer iniciamos una nueva cohorte del Diplomado BIM. Bienvenidos a todos los 15 participantes a la PUJ.
Yesterday, it was a pleasure to welcome 15 new students to the second edition of 2023 of the BIM certification program. Ayer iniciamos una nueva cohorte del Diplomado BIM. Bienvenidos a todos los 15 participantes a la PUJ.
Conclusions of the event.
New LinkedIn post.
New LinkedIn post.
New LinkedIn post.
New LinkedIn post.
New LinkedIn post.
New 2023 opening dates.
New LinkedIn post.
Steel mega-structures at SADA.
New LinkedIn post.
Looking for students to conduct research.
Next October opening date.
Now open.
New LinkedIn post.
Next October opening date.